Sunday, July 26, 2009

Daughter To The Rescue

Hello to all of the From On High readers! My Father, Jerry, has asked that I deliver a message to all of you. My Dad has had a weather related computer malfunction. When I noticed that he had not updated his blog today I immediately called thinking there must be a major crisis. He has called a tech to help get back online but it will be Monday or Tuesday before anyone can take a look at it.

He will be back in short order to continue posting on From On High. Until then, I will be taking over the blog to discuss fashion tips. Just kidding Dad!

Hopefully he will back online Monday... Until then, a tip of the hat from the coast of North Carolina.

Jodi Fuhrman

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Such Good-Looking Offspring

Why, who is this handsome young man?

It's none other than my firefighter son, Jarrod, in church.

And before anyone comments, yes, he gets his good looks from his father.

(Companion unknown)

Monday, July 06, 2009

Babe Alert!

Why, who is this beautiful young woman?
It's none other than my daughter, Jodi, celebrating her birthday with ... Kool Aid ... in hand.

That's what she told me it was anyway ...

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Ah, Nature

I've been meaning to post this.

You may recall a year ago I had told of an incident that had occurred when I untarped my pasture mower deck, expecting a snake to be underneath, found none, but unbeknownst to me was the fact that there had been one curled up in the folds of the tarp and, when I lifted it off the machine, the bugger fell at my feet.* I didn't realize he was there until I felt him slide along my leg.

An interesting feeling.

Well, this year I was ready. I took my camera with me when I went to uncover my mower. That's how sure I was that there was a snake lurking. There is always a snake lurking underneath the tarp (they're big on warmth and seclusion).

Here are some photos I took.

Tarp being slowly lifted, revealing something black curled up and happy:

A closer look reveals ...

I wanted my mower. He wanted it too. Thus the look I got when I tried to nudge him:

This last photo gives you an idea as to how long a black rat snake can get. This one is six feet, give or take. Next year I'll bring a tape measure.

I finally coaxed the little guy off the mower, only to have him slither underneath and go up and wrap himself around the blade.

So I took him for a ride. After about 75 yards of bouncing along, he plopped onto the ground and, when last seen, was heading south.

Beautiful little creatures, aren't they?

- - -

* Sorry about the awful sentence structure. I've only had 1 and 1/2 cups of coffee so far.

** Before you write, no, I don't wash and wax my mower.